Saturday, July 9, 2011

3 days of Rome

Hi all.
Yes we are alive. Sorry we have gotten a little slack on the blogging front.
We have been in rome for the last 3 days seeing all the sights and watching our backs at every turn.. Well not that much, but this place is a bit dodgy thats for sure. There are so many tourists here its insane, and so many people trying to sell you stuff constantly. Its ok at first, but after a while it gets bloody annoying.. Im so glad there are none of these people in australia.
Anyway, we have been here for 3 days, and it has been so hot, like 35 each day. It really takes it out of you, especially when the water tastes like garbage (yes im talking about their natural spring water that you buy in bottles) and you dont want to drink it..hahaha
Other than the heat, and the annoying people, the city is pretty cool. Its not our fav city by any means, but the history you walk on and around is pretty amazing.
Our first day we visited the colesseum, which was pretty awesome. Its huge, but not as big as the MCG, and the crowds are like an ocean of people that you have to swim through. We literally stood in line for an hour and a half to get in, and left after 30mins walking around because the sun was our in force.
Our next stop was the vatican, which was also very hot and very crowded. St peters square is massive, and the basilica is massive... There was even a massive banner of the pope up.. We went in the basilica which is the biggest in the world, and you could look at things for hours in there. So many statues and so many stories to learn about. I think i read somewhere that peters (christs deciple) burial site was under the alter of the basilica. Crazy if true. We also found a little stairwell which took us down and under the floor of the basillica to a hall lined with so many past popes burial tombs (i cant think of the proper word for these). Anyway, we were very curious to know if the remains of the popes were actually inside of them. Thats something i will have to look up!!!
our next stop was the trevi fountain. Again there were so many people. The fountain is cool, and ws a great sight to sit at and relax, but would be better if you could hear the person speaking next to you. Hahaha We both threw a coin into the water and made a wish and took off to another place called castel st angelo, which was a fortress back in the day i think. There was a heaps of steet dealers here, and we had a good laugh when we saw a policeman chase them all across the bridge and away..hahaha from here we ate across the street.. The food sucked and they over charged us, so i left them a 5 cent tip to share between them.. I was so mad about it..haha
Our 2nd day was a little more organized thanks to some tips from greg. We ditched the bus which was not stopping where we wanted to go for our legs, which in the end got a work out in the heat. We started again at the colleseum and walked past the ruins of the old city, and up to the pantheon. On the way we stopped at a nice little basilica and saw a very nice staue of christ done by michalangelo (sorry about spelling). The pantheon was amazing, and i dont think i have seen anthing like it ever. The front of it was awesome, but inside was even better. We didnt realise that at the top of the dome is a huge skylight which beams down a hure ray of light into the church. The dome is so high that it makes you dizzy looking up into it. Got some great pictures. From here we went to the piazza navona, which wasnt anything special, but would be a nice place to eat, and get your face sketched. I wanted to but maddy didnt want to. Some of the artists there have some talent. Wow. Our next stop was the spanish steps. There is a little fountain there where everyone was filling their water bottles. Haha but at the same time a lady was sitting on the edge with her feet in the water. A policeman soon noticed her and blew his whistle so loud right next to us to get her attention. I can still hear that stupid whistle. She jumped out pretty fast..haha I think we went home after that as it was just too hot.
Today we just went into the city and chilled. Did some shopping and looked around. But again it was so hot that it took all the fun out of being in rome and all its nice things it has to offer. Maddy ordered some bruschetta for lunch and was horrified by what she got. Haha a piece of bread with two normal, unseasoned crappy slices of tomato..she wasnt happy. Maddy bought a lovely dress and a louis vouton money pouch which cost a fortune (for a fake).. Haha nah i think its good. Well that is pretty much a wrap of our time in rome. We liked it, but the heat ruined it.
Tomorrow morning at 9:35am we catch a train to cinque terre. We are staying in riomaggiore which is one 5 small towns on the coast around 500kms north of rome. We dont think our hotel has internet, but we will see. If not, we will pick up the blog again we get to venice in a few days. We enjoyed our time in rome and definently worked on our tans a fair bit, but we wish it would have been cooler. We saw so many things that been around for soooo long it just blew up away. We are happy we came here, but are happy to move onto cinque terre for a cooler sea breeze, and for a hotel that doesnt have prostitutes on the other side of the road..haha they have been a laugh.
Hope i didnt put you all to sleep.
Onto cinque terre.
Ciao guys

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